May 23, 2018 10:45 am

Your Perfect Wedding Dress

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Your Perfect Wedding Dress, Maire Forkin Designs

Choosing Your Perfect Wedding Dress

The right wedding dress can be difficult to find. There are many considerations. What is the right shape for your body? What is the right style for you? What length wedding dress looks best on you? What will you feel most comfortable wearing? So many questions and so many possible answers? But it all comes down to what feels right and looks great on you!

Can the perfect wedding dress be so difficult to find? It certainly can especially if you are not sure what you are looking for? Or if you are looking for the wrong thing. Or in the wrong places. Perhaps you are convinced that you a particular shape dress would suit you best, when infact other shapes may be more flattering on you? But how can you be sure? So, as you see, it is important to understand what the dress shape, fit and make for you.

We all have such different figures and unique style preferences. And we are not all the perfect size 10 with lovely long legs.. So, of course we do not all look wonderful in a standard size 10 or 12 size dress!

So why not engage the help from the experts? Have you considered getting a wedding dress designed and tailored especially for your figure and individual preferences… A wedding dress which you know will fit you perfectly and look exceptional!

We make made to measure wedding dresses for our clients, where we work together to choose the styles, fabrics and colours to best flatter their figure. We make a pattern to suit their shape and figure and then arrange for three fittings before the wedding dress is ready for collection.

Wedding Dress Consultation

We design made to measure wedding dresses for our clients, where we work together with them to choose the styles, fabrics and colours to best flatter their figure. We then make a pattern for them and arrange for three follow up fittings before the wedding dress is ready for collection.  Maire

To View Our Wedding Dresses Or To Book A Consultation